cara delevingne the one show tyre belts

Awesome belts in my shop as quoted by Cara Delevingne

What a week! My new recycled rubber belts by Laura were featured on the The One Show and the only male model at my fashion show, Derek, appeared in this month's Italian Vogue.

I totally agree with Cara Delevingne's comment to Orlando Bloom, who were both guests on the show that evening, that the belts are awesome! Made from recycled car tyres and bicycle tyres, the intricate patterned and resilient belts provide a sustainable alternative to leather varieties.

cara delevingne and orlando bloom laura zabo tyre belt beverly smart

Cara and Orlando checking out the tyre belt on The One Show

The idea came to Laura about 3 years ago and it has taken immense creativity and determination to produce this range. There are just 3 left in my shop but I intend ordering more to support her novel design.

Laura zabo tyre belts beverly smart

Awesome belts in my shop, as quoted by Cara Delevingne

As for Derek, I didn't realise he actually was a model when I asked him to show off my new Autumn Winter collection on the Lagrasse catwalk last month. He turned up to support his girlfriend - my daughter, Joelle! I was delighted and surprised when he agreed to accompany her as she led the wonderful women across the medieval flagstones in the Lagrasse market place.

derek daley models for beverly smart lagrasse france

Derek wearing a jumper hand knitted by me!

I just wanted to show that my jewellery and knitwear could be worn by anyone. He certainly was professional and relaxed. He did mention that he had modelled a little before. Well, he certainly had! As the lead time for Vogue is at least 3 months before publication, he must have had this photo shoot already under his belt way before he walked for me in August. You can imagine my surprise to see him popping up in Vogue Italia this week.

derek daley vogue italia sept 2019 beverly smart fashion show

Derek in Vogue Italia

I'm off now to watch the new Netflix series Carnival Row, with Cara and Orlando, flick through my Italian Vogue ... and pinch myself to see if this was a dream !

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Hi JM, and thanks for your comment. As regards my rubber accessories, as I told you at the time, the items you purchased were indeed from South Africa, made by artisan township women. Nothing has changed in my philosophy. I continue my annual trips to South Africa, sourcing ethical, artisanal products for my jewellery and homeware ranges. The South African jewellery makes up 90% of my range.

Laura however, is a European artisan, making all her own work, as I do with my clothing collection, and is driven by her motivating force, ie to reuse materials that are otherwise polluting the planet. I started selling her range this year, as it’s a fantastic complement to the rubber I already have.

I hope this answers your question, but if you need anymore information please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind rgds/Beverly


I am from Australia and around 4-5 years ago I purchased garments, earrings and a rubber belt/necklace from your shop in Lagrasse. You told me the rubber accessories and the earrings were made by people in Sth Africa and you visited them on an annual(?) basis to purchase and support their industry and bring much needed funds to their communities.
My query is do you still purchase rubber belts and other accessories from those South African communities ??
Thank you.


A beautiful male model and recyclable goodies at their best. Hopefully see you in October. x


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